Background complete. YEAH! Very excited about how this turned out and can't wait to start putting in all the details. Shrubs, groundcover flowers, etc.
I seem to be moving very fast on this piece but I am VERY excited about the progress I've made so far. Had a bit of creative adrenaline today and am now frustrated that I have to stop and wait until tonight or tomorrow to continue. This baby needs some good solid drying time (lots of glue!!!!).
Lots of questions and second guessing going through my head right now. Are the trees too big? Should I cut new, smaller ones (I'd hate to but....)? Where am I going to put the fence? What colour should my groundcover flowers be? How many shrubs should I put on it? Am I going to run out of glue? Blah, blah, blah.....its comes along ;o) Really having a hard time deciding about the trees though. I love these trees but they just might be too big and they'll fill in once I put all the cherry blossoms on. MMmmmmmm......I guess we'll see.
Happy creating everyone!
I like the size of the trees.
Thanks :o) after much humming and hawing about it I have concluded the exact same thing.