Thursday, April 9, 2009

Phase 3 - cutting the trees

This is the paper for the trees.

I freehand draw the tree on the back of the paper. You could draw it on the front too I just don't trust my drawing skills enough yet. By drawing on the back I do have to keep in mind that the tree will be in reverse....

And then I cut the tree out with an exacto knife. I will go back and apply fine details to the tree with acrylic paint before gluing them onto canvas board.
I have already made an error. The second tree (not shown) was supposed to be smaller in scale to give the illusion that it was further back than the one above. However, after drawing and cutting it, it really doesn't look much different in size. Its not the end of the world though, I had already planned on reworking the fence and road so now I will continue to adjust the picture as I see appropriate.


  1. Thank you for sharing your techniques wit us - this kind of art must be so time consuming but the effect is amazing, its time well worth spending I think :)

  2. Thanks Vania! No more than you painting hundreds of dots in a girls hair! ;o) I just love the craft and detail part of it, seeing the end result makes all of it worth it!
