My adventures in paper arts and crafts began in 2008. I generally create trees and other nature scenes along with dimensional, textured flowers but will let my inspiration guide the projects I work on so we'll see what else the future holds. I am enjoying the journey and love the progression of my work as time goes on and hope you do to. Happy creating everyone!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
#2 For the Art Show Complete
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A little 9x12 and some news
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Burnt out
Instead of doing nothing, I have begun planning out all my cards, gift boxes and smaller art pieces. Did a bit of sketching. After this big one, I think it will be time to work on some smaller pieces that are quicker to complete. I am getting ready to work on something other than trees and have been thinking a lot about art for kids rooms, etc. Getting excited by the ideas in my head. Slowly but surely an idea for a children's book has been brewing in my head but I am going to let that one progress naturely.
I also took some steps to ready myself for selling my stuff. I ordered boxes and envelopes for shipping my work from the post office and started figuring out my price points. This is a huge leap for me, its one thing to create its another to sell. I am a little bit terrified of how people will respond to my work or if anyone will bother to buy it. Its not why I make this stuff but what's the point of making it if its just going to sit in my closet and collect dust?! Thanks to all of you who follow and/or take the time to definitely helps.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Major Progress
Once the anchors are dry I go back and press 2 more flowers into them with that same embossing tool to create 3D bunches. I'll do this until I am happy with the result. The below picture is after I have gone through and made each anchor into bunches of 3's. I will go back and fill it in some more later.
I am very excited about how this project is coming along. I hope that the details I add to the ground along with the fence will help add dimension to the overall piece but I am thrilled with the progression of my work in each new project. Stay tuned, I may get finished much sooner than I had anticipated!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Note to self!
Thankful for small nagging voices in my head today that's for sure!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Phase 4 continued - Background Complete!
Phase 4 - Glue, glue and more glue
Monday, April 13, 2009
Mountains, etc.
So the pieces are starting to come together although nothing is attached at this point. I just thought a picture of it with only the bare bones components would be helpful to see. I cut the mountains out of blue and gray papers to add depth. My next step is to add the snowcaps on the mountains before I attach to them to the canvas board so if any of them don't turn out right I can do it again. I plan on doing that tonight.
I may add some puffy white clouds in the sky but haven't made up my mind yet. If I do, I'll apply them to the sky before I glue on anything else. Then its messy time ;o) I will glue on the completed mountains, the dirt road and the grass next.
Once that's done it will be magic time and my favorite part...all the details! There will be another layer of foliage and background stuff between the mountains and the trees, the fence needs to go on, ground cover flowers in spotted areas, etc. Then the trees and ALLLLLLLL the blossoms and leaves on the trees. There are some details to figure out still but they will be based on how its looking as it comes along.
As they projects come together I seem to get more done in a shorter period of time, excitement = adrenaline = more productivity!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Phase 3 - cutting the trees
The Lemonade Award
But to all of you out there....All you mothers (and fathers for that matter), crafters, artists and soul seekers I say keep at it. Keep putting your work and thoughts out there for others to find you. Its been a long road getting myself into the mindset of being part of the artist/crafter community and not just an outsider looking in with admiration. I am finding more and more that I am not so different from many of you and that's a nice feeling.
I find myself in a position I had hoped to never be in. I am just at the beginning of this path of following my passion and pursuing my dreams and now the reality of the economy is setting up a roadblock. My husband's industry is dead (construction) and he finds himself out of work for the first time in a decade, on the other hand, I used to work in accounting and there is always work.
As a highly emotional creature my first instinct was to mourn the death of my dream, the logical part kicking in says its not a death but an obstacle. The question is how do I balance work, my kids and my passion if I do, in fact, end up going back to work? I am now determined to find can I give up on the dream now that I have allowed myself to pursue it?! I will find a way, I have to...for myself and for my kids. I want them to believe their dreams can come true if they just work at it. I have been lost for too many years to let go of the final missing piece from my life.
Keep dreaming and creating everyone! Your blogs and your work inspire me and feed my imagination! I'm off to make lemonade out of my lemons!