This is my first piece after the big 18" x 24" so I was able to incorporate some of the lessons learned. This is my first attempt at doing a stormy sky and I have to say I was quite pleased. I painted the canvas board with a medium to light gray acrylic and then slowly began to add torn pieces of tissue, mulberry and other fibrous paper mostly in white but also some gray-blue as well. Some papers had a bit of a yellowish tinge to them (which wasn't really noticeable until they were applied to the piece) but I was able to cover the bad spots with other papers as I built the sky. I really love how the glue and gloss affected most of the papers, giving the clouds a much more real and textural effect. I was saddened to find out my supplier for the best of this paper cannot get it anymore and can't find out who their suppliers source was. Hope I don't have to buy it online too but after checking 2 of the 3 other store options with no luck it looks like I might.
I have posted pictures of this piece before and after I added leaves since it could be done either way. This is the first tree I have drawn completely freehand, which is great! Cuts my prep time way down from my previous process.
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