Monday, May 25, 2009

Remember me?

Hello blogging world...remember me? Finally a new project complete! I am slowly adjusting to this whole schedule thing. Working full time sure changes things! I am about to move on from trees for a little bit but I snuck this one in. I know its off season but I have only ever done Fall trees with stormy skies so I wanted to do one for those beautiful, barely a cloud in the sky kind of days.
I am getting ready for a whole new genre for me. I have stuck solely to branches an trees at this point but am feeling the urge to try something different. I am working on a set of two pieces for my daughters room. I plan on doing two mermaids, one sitting on a rock and one swimming through the water. I am going to keep many of the papers the same for both to keep them looking like a set. Pretty excited and a little bit aprehensive to dive into something so different but it will be fun no matter what. I may have to do some actual drawing with the faces and that always makes me nervous.
I am guessing that I will have other new pieces pop up before I finish either of these mermaids. I will need some new punch shapes for this one unless I come up with some brilliant plan using the tools I already have. Purchasing anything new is on hold for a little while. I have a lot of papers to play around with for these ones and doubt I will have to buy anything new and that's a great bonus.
I miss working on my crafts daily and checking my favorite blogs, etc. but I am happy at my new job and I know it will all come into balance after I give myself some time.
Take care all and happy crafting!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Art Jury and New Pieces

The art jury itself was a little underwhelming...I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that. I showed up with the form already filled out and there was hardly anyone there yet. They asked if I could leave it all for an hour and then come back. I drove down to Fairhaven and window shopped for a bit and then headed back. A few compliments and a "We'll let you know in 7 to 10 days." and that was it. So we'll see.

The biggest thing about it though was that I DID IT! Another sign that perhaps all this soul searching for the past 2 years is really starting to pay off, I was never very good at finishing something I started, especially where rejection could be involved. I really didn't think I was going to make it, Thursday morning I busted my butt and got everything from Plan B done and then suddenly I found myself working on the blossom branch that I had given up on. Well, after working on it non-stop I finished it with only a half hour to spare! I couldn't believe it!

So here they are, the completed 18x24 I have been blogging about and my 11x14 spring branch. I probably would have kept working on the big one but I just ran out of time and blossoms!

And the branch...

That was one of the most exhausting weeks I've had in a long time! The job is going good, everyone is nice and they haven't thrown anything to scary at me yet. Just sooo not used to working at all anymore, nevermind full time! I miss my kids but I have to admit the time I do have with them is so much sweeter. I know its only normal that they'll a bit off with me...after all I have been present most of their lives and have never been gone for 8 hours a day...ever...but its still a bit hard. When my daughter wouldn't come to me the second day I have to admit I had to sneak away for a moment and shed a few tears. Its already getting better though and I had a really good time with them last night before bed...lots of giggles.

Oh, and I know many of you are far beyond this point but I have 10 followers!! Thanks to everyone, I appreciate each of you so much! I might just have to do a little giveaway soon, I'm just too exhausted to think about it yet ;o) All last night though I kept feeling like I needed to get over to my work station out of habit.

Off to enjoy the sun with my little monkeys!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today's the day

Have I mentioned how tired I am? Between the new job and the art show I am exhausted. My biggest hope for today's art jury is that I don't get emotional...its been a long week and stress and exhaustion have a habit of leaking out of my eyes if you know what I mean!

Getting burnt out with all the changes did not help my situation for the art show. Last night as I sat at my little workspace I had a moment of reality, I could work all night and I still wouldn't finish, I was feeling bummed and then at light went on. I had wanted to enter a fall piece with a stormy sky but time was not on my side. It occured to me that I did have an old piece that I wasn't totally thrilled with but could probably fix up. So I went back and did some work on it and its now my 5th entry. I am also using another old piece that needed a bit of fixing up. I just ran out of time. Its not quite what I had hoped to enter but I decided that I need to do this regardless. The jury starts at 4:00 today!

I was also disapointed to find out that the pieces I have juried are the ones for the show. I thought since the show was so far away (November) that I could do some new pieces and spend A LOT of time on them. It is what it is.

Anyway, just a note to all to say that I will be posting pictures soon its just been a mad, mad, mad week! So glad I asked for today off as part of my hiring as I was up until 3:00 last night, felt like I had drank a bottle of tequila when I woke up and had to do my final gloss coats this morning.

Miss my blogging!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Have I mentioned how much I love Spring?! Well, If not, I LOVE SPRING! Went for a beautiful walk down to the neighbourhood park today. Surprising because we had a pretty crazy storm last night and were expecting rain this weekend. Well, we awoke to a beautiful day and decided to go for a walk. While I am not a photographer by any means I have begun to carry our camera with us whenever we are out, you never know when inspiration is going to strike! Just can't believe all of this is right out my door!

I am working like a madwoman in the rest of my time trying to get my pieces done for the show. I hope to have most of my 18x24 done by the end of the night and I have a bunch of the components for my 4th piece prepared and ready to go. I start my new job tomorrow so we'll see how we do. Happy creating everyone!

Friday, May 1, 2009

I got the job!

WOW! This beautiful May morning has brought me sunshine and a new job! I got it! Can't believe it.....finally we can breathe a bit easier in this crazy, scary economy! Only problem is I start on MONDAY...yes, this Monday! Talk about jumping in with both feet!

I was able to keep my Thursday open for the juried art show. I am freaking out a bit now about the time frame. I only have 2 fully completed, am working on the big 18x24 which I hope to have done by the end of the weekend. But then I need one or two more. Thankfully I had an epiphany moment yesterday and realized what I could do with a piece I gave up on awhile ago. Its 2/3's done! Yay! So I think I can have 4 pieces done but 5 might be a stretch...good thing they said 4 or 5!

Anyway I better get back! Lots to do in a very short period of time!