Saturday, March 28, 2009

You can teach an old dog new tricks

So as I continue to grow and learn in this new paper art journey I find myself re-examining so many things about myself.

I knew I had a little bit drawing ability and have done some decent pictures in the past but I usually found the experience frustrating and gave up for the most part many years ago. I began getting back into it about 8 months ago when I started trying to draw my own trees. I figured out that, once again, this is an area where I gave up too soon as a child. I had a very bad habit of giving up on things that I couldn't figure out right away and chalking it up to the lamest of lame excuses, "I can't." More and more I realize I was never patient enough, never gave anything a real chance, never took the time to pratice, practice, practice.

So anyway, I have been studying drawing and I am finding myself growing increasingly excited. The creative juices are flowing fast and I'm going to have to start journalling all my ideas or risk losing them in the chaos of my mind. Within the first five pages I finally understood how to easily draw thing proportionately throughout a scene. I am also coming up with some great ways to add more dimension to my pieces by applying some rules from sketching. I can now see how I am going to build the more complicated, challenging pieces that I want to tackle in the future. SO much more to learn, so much room to grow! It's such a mood booster!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're on a roll!
    Lovely work...I've enjoyed browsing your Blog!
